Jenny Volden
Customer Success Engineer
Jenny Volden is a customer success engineer at Golden Software. She has an extensive history within the customer experience industry, with an emphasis on fostering meaningful relationships with clients. Additionally, her background in community management helps her create lasting connections with our customer base.
Jenny has worked in various industries throughout the years, ranging from fashion to interior design, finance, and more. The throughline has been her passion for stellar customer experiences, and following the industries that her personal interests are guided by. Jenny is excited to dive back into her scientific roots while offering the opportunity to connect with our clients at Golden Software
Jenny is originally from Nebraska (go Huskers!) and graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Biology. Jenny is incredibly passionate about mental health and actively supports NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness).


Culture is the collective character of an organization, created by the people within it. The company culture isn’t made by a mission statement; it’s made by the team that lives it every day.

Zuyi Chen
Software Developer

Eric Schultz
NetSuite Administrator