Kari Dickenson
Surfer Product Manager
Kari Dickenson is a product manager for one of Golden Software’s signature products, Surfer®.
Kari has been with Golden Software since 2000. She grew up in the California Bay Area and received a B.S. in Earth Sciences from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Upon graduating, Kari worked as an intern at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, learning more about hydrogeology and performing laboratory experiments and some basic computer modeling on groundwater remediation strategies. She then returned to school at the Colorado School of Mines where she earned a M.S. in Geology, focusing on economic geology. During her graduate program, Kari discovered that she enjoyed helping other students use computers to solve problems. As a product manager at Golden Software, Kari is able to utilize her knowledge of geology with fulfill her desire to solve problems and help users.


Culture is the collective character of an organization, created by the people within it. The company culture isn’t made by a mission statement; it’s made by the team that lives it every day.

Zuyi Chen
Software Developer

Eric Schultz
NetSuite Administrator